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Various Subjects

Udacity - Free online college classes.


Khan Academy - Non-profit educational website, "a free world-class education for anyone anywhere."


Coursera - "Education company that partners with the top universities and organizations in the world to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free."


SkillShare - Crowd-teaching site with inexpensive classes on everything from design to tech.


edX - "EdX offers interactive online classes and MOOC's from the world’s best universities."


General Assembly - Crowd teaching on "education in technology, business and design at nine campuses across four continents" and online.


Code Academy - Free online coding classes, includes, HTML, CSS, Python, Ruby, etc.


Hack Design - Free weekly design classes and projects sent to your email.


Treehouse - "Learn how to build websites & apps, write code or start a business" for a monthly subscription fee. - Non-profit that teaches coding to K-12 schools, especially under-represented minorities and under-represented areas. Free online coding classes available for everyone.


Code Racer - Quick online racing game that teaches basic coding.


MIT Open Courseware - Free undergrad & grad courses in electrical engineering & computer science.


The Code Player - Video walk-throughs of coding projects for HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, and more.

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